• Adarsh Manohar Bhaskar | Digestive Support | Eases Nausea & Heartburn | Herbal Formula 80gm 100

    The formulation of Adarsh Manohar Bhaskar is 70 years old Raj Vaid Lallu ji was a visionary man, his vision and mission to serve society has proved in toady’s contest. The irregular lifestyle, junk food and adulterated food has led to heart burn, acidity, nausea and ingestion.
    Potent combination of herbs that manages to regulate the proper secretion of acids. The combination of herbs manages the over secretion of acid.
    It is recommended to take one teaspoon 2 to 3 times.

    Adarsh Manohar Bhaskar is Fast acting to neutralize acidity and restore normal PH.
    Adarsh Manohar Bhaskar intends to give instant relief.
    Adarsh Manohar Bhaskar removes Blotted belly
    Adarsh Manohar Bhaskar helps in Assimilation of nutrients and supports the healthy gut condition if consumed with Adarsh pravahikar .

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