Adarsh Manohar Bund (for Headache) ₹60
Musculoskeletal system of human being is comprises of bones and muscles and joints. Regular care of muscles, bones including joints helps to restrict the movement.
Adarsh Manohar Bund Ramphal Vati supports joints and muscles and restrict the movement.
Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati also heals joints inflammation.
Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati is curative in gastric arthritis if taken together with Adarsh Dashmool Ghsan vati.
Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati is many times effective if oil massage of Adarsh Narayani tail is done on the affected area.
Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati helps to eliminate the accumulation of toxins in the joints.
The major ingredient of Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati is sudh kucha that is curative all type of vatta diseases categorised in Ayurveda i.e, arthritis, gastric arthritis asthma, depression, migraines, nerve disorders, sciatica, cervical and other conditions.
Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati is 100% Ayurvedic product in-house manufactured and more than 5,00,000people are cured by using Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati.
Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy +75 years is committed to standardize to ensure the efficacy of each consumption of Adarsh manohar Bund Ramphal Vati.