Adarsh Pravahikaher ₹100
The society is going through the hell lot of problems due to lifestyle work pressure and disturbed sleep cycle. The biological clock has no relevance in a busy, noisy life.
Everyday over 40% people globally faces the challenge to clear bowel movement and it is quite troublesome to start the day. Another facing challenge is to travel early in the morning as it is difficult for them to clear the system. It gives birth to acidity and improper digestion.Adarsh Pravahikar regulates and controls the digestive disorder due various reasons.
Adarsh Pravahikar helps to secrete digestive juices in proper timing and initiate digestion.
Adarsh Pravahikar works nonstop 7X24 and potency of Adarsh Pravahikar can be experienced.
The tablets of Adarsh Pravahikar is purgative and a superior quality laxative.
The regular and nonstop consumption of Adarsh Pravahikar has no side effects.