• Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati | Natural Medicine | Detoxifies Body  1,000

    Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati Another natural medicine offered by Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy is enriched in:-

    • Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati detoxifies the body and rejuvenates the body.
    • Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati regularizes periods and blood flow.
    • Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati boosts fertility and maintains a good reproductive health.
    • Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati is enriched in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati improves digestion and boosts immunity.
    • Adarsh Ratigarbha Vati balances hormones and fight infection.
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