• Adarsh Maha Marichiyadi Oil | Herbal Massage Oil for Topical Application | 150680

    Marichiyadi Tail is typically applied topically to the affected area and gently massaged into the skin. The frequency and duration of use can vary based on individual needs and the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. It is important to note that like all herbal remedies, Marichiyadi Tail may cause allergic reactions or other side effects in some individuals, and should be used with caution.

    Marichiyadi Tail is an Ayurvedic herbal oil that is made from a blend of several herbs, including Marich (Black pepper), Ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi), and Karpura (Camphor). This oil is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of joint pain, muscle pain, and stiffness.

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